We acknowledge Australia’s First Nations People as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land, and pay respect to the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, upon whose Country SFF are based.
We honour the storytelling and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia.

In Frame

Sixty-six years and thousands of films since the first Sydney Film Festival was held on the University of Sydney's Camperdown campus, the University continues to support the Festival. In 2019, they created a series of short videos featuring talented academics from across the University talking about a featured film in the context of their research.

Anthropocene: The Human Epoch
Professor Danielle Celermajer, research lead of Multispecies Justice, explores the concept of justice when the subjects include not just humans, but animals and the environment in their relationships with each other. Here she discusses Anthropocene: The Human Epoch, a visually stunning cinematic essay on humanity’s devastating impact on the planet.

High Life
Senior Lecturer in Film Studies Dr Bruce Isaacs, chats with us about the bold, sexually charged sci-fi thriller, High Life. Directed by French auteur Claire Denis, this atmospheric film presents rich material for Dr Isaacs’s expertise in film aesthetics and style, science fiction, popular culture and critical approaches to film production.

The Final Quarter
In calling out racism, champion Sydney Swans footballer Adam Goodes became a lightning rod for a national debate. Professor Tim Soutphommasane, former Race Discrimination Commissioner, shares his views on patriotism, multiculturalism and national identity – and the importance of combating racism.

Never Look Away
Professor Mark Ledbury, Director of the Power Institute for Art and Visual Culture, is interested in how artists’ lives and works are portrayed in film, television and popular culture. He unpacks the Oscar-nominated documentary Never Look Away, inspired by the life of German artist Gerhard Richter, and explores why art matters.

The Kleptocrats
Associate Professor of Business Law Juliette Overland draws on her expertise in corporate crime to discuss The Kleptocrats, a documentary about Malaysia’s jaw-dropping 1MDB scandal of 2015, in which then Prime Minister Najib Razak is alleged to have funnelled $US700 million from a state-owned development company.

Academic talent: Professor Danielle Celermajer, Professor Mark Ledbury, Associate Professor Juliette Overland, Dr Bruce Isaacs, Professor Tim Soutphommasane
Marketing and Communications: Michaela Dunworth, Grace Hall, Monica Crouch and Nicholas Nedeljkovic
Multimedia: Trixie Young, Andrew Bretell and Sebastian Zentilomo
Student reporters:
Harry Licence and Esther Shim

Check out the University of Sydney’s Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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