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Rabbit-Proof Fence (4K Restoration)

Directed by Phillip Noyce
94 minutes
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Phillip Noyce’s milestone escape epic about the Stolen Generations has been breath-takingly restored in 4K. Three extraordinary child actors lead a remarkable cast including David Gulpilil, Ningali Lawford, and Kenneth Branagh.

Western Australia, 1931. Three Indigenous girls are forcibly taken from their family and deposited on a mission school far from home. One day, ordered to empty the latrine bucket, they instead make a run for it, and the rain covers their tracks. David Gulpilil is extraordinary as the tracker on their tail, a trooper whose own daughter is detained at the school, while Kenneth Branagh plays Mr. Neville, determined to force assimilation. But the stars are Everlyn Sampi, Tianna Sansbury, and Laura Monaghan, each giving remarkably unaffected and very moving performances. Haunting and enraging; almost a quarter century since its release, this film is as relevant as ever.

The original camera negative of Rabbit-Proof Fence deposited at the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia was scanned at 4K resolution using an Arriscan XT by The Grainery, Australia. It was frame by frame restored  by The Grainery, USA and regraded in HDR by Gosia Grzyb under the supervision  of director Phillip Noyce.

Following the screening, join Phillip Noyce in conversation at the Festival Hub - a free event.
From The Wizard of Oz to E.T., the urge to return home has been a perennially rewarding theme in movies. But rarely have the stakes of such a journey been higher than in Rabbit-Proof Fence, Phillip Noyce's searing dramatization of a story of remarkable courage, stamina and spirit
Ann Hornaday, The Washington Post
This journey... is beautiful, harrowing and sometimes heartbreaking
Roger Ebert

Special Guest

Phillip Noyce
Phillip Noyce is a renowned Australian film and television director. An AFTRS alumnus in 1973, his debut feature Backroads premiered at Sydney Film Festival in 1977. Alongside his local filmography, Noyce has also directed international hits, including Dead Calm (1988), Clear And Present Danger (1994), and Salt (2010).


Mon 10 Jun
Event Cinemas George Street - Cinema 3
Assisted Listening
Past Event Cancel
Program Strand
Classics Restored
Original Title
In English, Martu Wangka
Phillip Noyce
Phillip Noyce, Christine Olsen, John Winter
Everlyn Sampi, Kenneth Branagh, Deborah Mailman, David Gulpilil
Christine Olsen
Christopher Doyle
Veronika Jenet, John Scott
Sydney Premiere
Australian Films, First Nations, Festival Award Winners, Cinephile, Literary & Adaptations, Biography
Company Credits
Australian Distributor: Icon Film Distribution
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