We acknowledge Australia’s First Nations People as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land, and pay respect to the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, upon whose Country SFF are based.
We honour the storytelling and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia.

Ousmane Sembène: A Revolutionary with a Camera

See a retrospective of films by groundbreaking Senegalese filmmaker Ousmane Sembène at the Sydney Film Festival.

One of the most influential filmmakers of all time, Ousmane Sembène, will have his films screened at Sydney Film Festival this June in a stunning retrospective series.

Often regarded as “the father of African cinema” and the creator of the first ever African-language feature film, Sembène ushered in a new wave of African cinema. Sincere, empowering, and visually spectacular, he captured the everyday lives of Senegalese people whilst sharply critiquing the legacy of colonialism in his country.

A huge influence on the filmmakers of today, including Martin Scorsese, Sembène changed world cinema forever. With these films rarely screened, and seldom streamed, this is your only chance to experience his seminal filmography.

Tickets and package ON SALE NOW below. All films screen at the Art Gallery of NSW on Saturdays, Sunday and Mondays during the Festival.

Or buy a Flexipass and redeem up to four tickets per session to films from Ousmane Sembène: A Revolutionary with a Camera today! Your Flexipass can be used to book tickets to any of the 200+ films screening at the Sydney Film Festival. The full program will announced on May 8.

Presented by Sydney Film Festival in association with ACMI

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