We acknowledge Australia’s First Nations People as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land, and pay respect to the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, upon whose Country SFF are based.
We honour the storytelling and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia.


Directed by Maja Tschumi
Switzerland, Iraq
94 minutes
Unclassified 15+
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Two young Iraqis risked their lives for freedom in the 2019 uprising. Five years later, what kind of world are they facing? CPH:DOX and Thessaloniki selected.

A committed feminist, Milo enthusiastically took part in the 2019 mass demonstrations in Iraq’s capital, Baghdad. In response, her ultra-conservative family locked her up at home for a year and burnt her wardrobe and possessions. Now she sneaks out of the house in her brother’s clothes. Khalili risked his life filming the street battles; his devastating footage is featured in the film. Today, he struggles with the impact of activism on his health and wellbeing. Working closely with Swiss filmmaker Maja Tschumi, the pair collaborated on this unique, cinematic film based on their lives, laying bare memories as they expose their anguish and hope.

Limited seats are available for patrons requiring access for wheelchairs, low vision and hearing loop. Please contact our ticketing team directly on 1300 733 733 or tickets@sff.org.au to complete your booking.
Immortals is a dystopian film that turns into an ode to fragility, and it shows the contrasting feelings of those who allowed themselves the luxury of hoping that David might kill Goliath
Giorgia del Don, Cineuropa
An insightful account of what it is to be young in Iraq right now
Wendy Ide, Screen International
From the debris of the 2019 Iraqi protests, Maja Tschumi has created a beautiful, cinematic monument for its heroes. Immortals is an unusual portrait of a country, a generation and a revolution, featuring two special young protagonists from a modern society where young people now dare to dream, hope and fight
Nicole Santé, Business Doc Europe


Sat 15 Jun
Dendy Newtown - Cinema 1
Assisted Listening
Past Event Cancel
Sun 16 Jun
Palace Central Cinemas - Cinema 1
Assisted Listening
Past Event Cancel
Program Strand
Europe! Voices of Women In Film
Unclassified 15+
Switzerland, Iraq
In Arabic with English subtitles
Maja Tschumi
Nadine Lüchinger, Mohammed Alghadhban
Melak Mahdi, Mohammed Al Khalili, Avin
Maja Tschumi, Melak Mahdi, Mohammed Al Khalili
Silvio Gerber
Alex Bakri
Australian Premiere
Documentary, Politics & Economics, Women Directors, Human Rights, Filmmaking, Middle East
Company Credits
Sales Agent: CAT&Docs
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